Material Testing of Metal Speciments in Liquids
In order to find out, which effect liquids may have on metallic materials, experiments can be operated using Berghof reactor technology. By the use of a sample holder, metal specimens can be fixed inside the reactor. Then, the corresponding liquid has to be filled into the reactor so that the specimes are completly surrounded by it. The ractor can now be heated up to a certain temperature for a required period to simulate an operating life.
Please note that this application note is for liquids with a non-corrosive gas phase. For experiments with liquids with a corrosive gas phase, please donwload the application note material testing of metal specimens in corrosive liquids.
Used products
High-pressure Reactors Individual. Flexible. Functional.
Individually configurable BR reactors are known for their easy handling, flexibility and functionality while providing maximum safety.
Low-pressure Reactors Easy handling coupled with flexibility.
The individually configurable NR reactors offer easy handling for experiments up to 25bar, 300°C and 100 liters.